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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo



Nebraska Flag



NE 29-2640

Signed into law:
May 24, 2003


Sally Reinhardt-Stewart

Commissioner / Compact Administrator / DCA Parole

Sally Reinhardt-StewartPhoto


Sally Reinhardt-Stewart is the Compact Commissioner for the state of Nebraska, having been appointed in October 2020. She also serves as the Deput

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Sally Reinhardt-Stewart is the Compact Commissioner for the state of Nebraska, having been appointed in October 2020. She also serves as the Deputy Compact Administrator for Parole, having been appointed in August 2009. She has been a member of the ICAOS Training, Education, & Public Relations Committee since 2014 and is also a member of the ICAOS Compliance Committee.

She began her career in Nebraska Corrections in 1984, serving as an assistant to the Director for nearly 22 years. From mid-1998 to June 2006, she served as the Department’s Legislative Liaison. She accepted a position with the Washington Department of Corrections as Special Assistant to the Secretary and was with that Agency from June 2006 until March 2008, serving as the Agency’s Legislative Liaison and as Constituent Services contact with the Legislature. She returned to Nebraska Corrections in May 2008 and in October of that year joined the Parole Compact Office at the time the new Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS) was implemented. In July 2016, Parole was placed under the authority of the Nebraska Board of Parole as a result of legislation that passed in 2015.

Ms. Reinhardt-Stewart is a member of the American Correctional Association (ACA) and was a recipient of an Excellence in Leadership Award for the state of Nebraska in 2018. Sally is a graduate of Kansas City Business College.


Deputy Compact Administrator

Jacey Rader

Deputy Compact Administrator / Probation

Jacey RaderPhoto


State ICOTS Administrator

NE Parole - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator Parole


NE Probation - ICOTS Administrator

ICOTS Administrator Probation


Compact Office

Brian Bencker

Assistant Program Director / DCA Parole Backup


Tom Verplank

Interstate Compact Parole Cases: All Outgoing/ Administrative Programs Officer II

Tom VerplankPhoto


Sharon Wilkens

Office Specialist


Susan Barnard

Transfer Specialist

Susan BarnardPhoto


Abbie Christian

Transfer Specialist (backup)

Abbie ChristianPhoto


Victims' Representative

Elizabeth McQueen

Victims' Representative


State Council


Executive Representative

Joe Kelly, Lieutenant Governor

Judicial Representative

Julie D. Smith, District Court Judge

Legislative Representative

George Dungan, Senator, District 26

Victims' Representative

Elizabeth K. McQueen, LPD Victim Witness Unit Manager

Additional Members

Sally Reinhardt-Stewart, Commissioner/Compact Administrator/Deputy Compact Administrator - Parole (Executive Branch)

Jacey Rader, Deputy Compact Administrator - Probation (Judicial Branch)

Gene Cotter, Deputy Probation Administrator (Judicial Branch)

Layne Gissler, Parole Board Member (Parole Board Representative)

Jeff Davis, Sarpy County Sheriff (County Sheriff Representative)

Andi Hart, NSP Sex Offender Registry (Nebraska State Patrol Representative)

Wendy L. Elston, Seward County Attorney (County Attorney Representative)

Ryan S. Post, District Court Judge (Judicial Representative)

Paul Zeiger, Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (Community Corrections Representative)

Dawn Renee Smith, Deputy Director, NE Department of Correctional Services (Corrections Representative)

Meetings & Minutes

Meeting Dates:








Minutes Submitted:








Parole: $25/mo programming fees
Probation: $25/mo + 1x $30 enrollment fee per supervised case
