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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo

Rule 5.103 - Offender behavior requiring retaking

(a) Upon a request by the receiving state and documentation that the offender’s behavior requires retaking, a sending state shall issue a warrant to retake or order the return of an offender from the receiving state or a subsequent receiving state within 15 business days of the receipt of the violation report.

(b) If the offender is ordered to return in lieu of retaking, the receiving state shall request reporting instructions per Rule 4.111 within 7 business days following the receipt of the violation report response.

(c) The receiving state retains authority to supervise until the offender’s directed departure date. If the offender does not return to the sending state as ordered, then the sending state shall issue a warrant, no later than 15 business days following the offender’s failure to appear in the sending state.

(d) If the sending state issues a warrant under subsection (c) of this rule, the receiving state shall attempt to apprehend the offender on the sending state’s warrant and provide notification to the sending state.  If the receiving state is unable to locate the offender to affect the apprehension, the receiving state shall follow Rule 4.109-2 (a) and (b).

ICAOS Advisory Opinions

2-2005 [An out of state offender may be arrested and detained by a receiving state who are subject to retaking based on violations of supervision, See Rule 4.109-1]

History: Adopted November 4, 2003, effective August 1, 2004; amended October 4, 2006, effective January 1, 2007; amended September 26, 2007, effective January 1, 2008; amended August 28, 2013, effective March 1, 2014; amended October 7, 2015, effective March 1, 2016; amended September 14, 2016, effective June 1, 2017; amended September 29 , 2021, effective April1, 2022



Click terms below to reveal definitions used in this rule.

Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies, and who is required to request transfer of supervision under the provisions of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. 

Receiving State – means a state to which an offender requests transfer of supervision or is transferred.

Retaking – means the act of a sending state in physically removing an offender, or causing to have an offender removed, from a receiving state.

Sending State – means a state requesting the transfer of an offender, or which transfers supervision of an offender, under the terms of the Compact and its rules.

Shall – means that a state or other actor is required to perform an act, the nonperformance of which may result in the imposition of sanctions as permitted by the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, its by-laws and rules.

Subsequent Receiving State – means a state to which an offender is transferred that is not the sending state or the original receiving state.

Warrant – means a written order of the court or authorities of a sending or receiving state or other body of competent jurisdiction which is made on behalf of the state, or United States, issued pursuant to statute and/or rule and which commands law enforcement to arrest an offender. The warrant shall be entered in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Wanted Person File with a nationwide pick-up radius with no bond amount set.

Behavior Requiring Retaking – means an act or pattern of non-compliance with conditions of supervision that could not be successfully addressed through the use of documented corrective action or graduated responses and would result in a request for revocation of supervision in the receiving state.