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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo

Rule 3.101-3 - Transfer of supervision of sex offenders

(a) Eligibility for Transfer—At the discretion of the sending state a sex offender shall be eligible for transfer to a receiving state under the Compact rules. A sex offender shall not be allowed to leave the sending state until the sending state’s request for transfer of supervision has been approved, or reporting instructions have been issued, by the receiving state. In addition to the other provisions of Chapter 3 of these rules, the following criteria will apply.

(b) Application for Transfer—In addition to the information required in an application for transfer pursuant to Rule 3.107, the sending state shall provide the following information, if available, to assist the receiving state in the investigation of the transfer request of a sex offender:

  1. All assessment information, completed by the sending state;
  2. Victim information if distribution is not prohibited by law
    • (A) the name, sex, age and relationship to the offender;
    • (B) the statement of the victim or victim’s representative;
  3. the sending state’s current or recommended supervision and treatment plan.

(c) Additional documents necessary for supervision in the receiving state, such as a law enforcement report regarding the offender’s prior sex offense(s), sending state’s risk and needs score, or case plan may be requested from the sending state following acceptance of the offender.  If available, the sending state shall provide the documents within 30 calendar days from the date of the request unless distribution is prohibited by law. 

(d)  A sending state shall provide the following for reporting instructions requests submitted pursuant to this section:

  1. A narrative description of the instant offense in sufficient detail to describe the circumstances, type and severity of offense and whether the charge was reduced at the time of imposition of sentence;
  2. Conditions of supervision;
  3. Any orders restricting the offender’s contact with victims or any other person; and
  4. Victim information to include the name, sex, age and relationship to the offender, if available and if distribution is not prohibited by law. 

(e) No travel permit shall be granted by the sending state until reporting instructions are issued by the receiving state; except as provided in Rule 3.102 (c).

(f) Reporting instructions for sex offenders living in the receiving state at the time of sentencing, transfers of military members, families of military members, employment transfer of the offender or family member, or veterans for medical or mental health services—Rules 3.101-1 & 3.103 apply to the transfer of sex offenders, as defined by the compact, except:

The receiving state shall issue reporting instructions no later than 5 business days following the receipt of such a request from the sending state unless similar sex offenders sentenced in the receiving state would not be permitted to live at the proposed residence

(g) Expedited reporting instructions for sex offenders – Rule 3.106 applies to the transfer of sex offenders, as defined by the compact; except, the receiving state shall provide a response to the sending state no later than 5 business days following receipt of such a request. 

ICAOS Advisory Opinions

1-2008 [An investigation in such cases would be largely meaningless without the cooperation of the sending state in providing sufficient details concerning the sex offense in question and a refusal to provide such information so as to allow the receiving state to make a reasonable determination as to whether the proposed residence violates local policies or laws would appear to violate the intent of this rule]

History: Adopted September 26, 2007, effective January 1, 2008; editorial change effective February 17, 2008; amended October 7, 2015, effective March 1, 2016; amended October 9, 2019, effective April 1, 2020.



Click terms below to reveal definitions used in this rule.

Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies, and who is required to request transfer of supervision under the provisions of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. 

Receiving State – means a state to which an offender requests transfer of supervision or is transferred.

Reporting Instructions – means the orders given to an offender by a sending or receiving state directing the offender to report to a designated person or place, at a specified date and time, in another state. Reporting instructions shall include place, date, and time on which the offender is directed to report in the receiving state.

Sending State – means a state requesting the transfer of an offender, or which transfers supervision of an offender, under the terms of the Compact and its rules.

Sex Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies, and who is registered or required to register as a sex offender in the sending or is under sex offender terms and conditions in the sending state and who is required to request transfer of supervision under the provisions of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision;

Travel Permit – means the written permission granted to an offender authorizing the offender to travel from one state to another.

Victim – means a natural person or the family of a natural person who has incurred direct or threatened physical or psychological harm as a result of an act or omission of an offender.

Advisory Opinions