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Interstate Commissioner for Audlt Offender Supervision (ICAOS) Logo

Rule 3.101 - Mandatory transfer of supervision

At the discretion of the sending state, an offender shall be eligible for transfer of supervision to a receiving state under the compact, and the receiving state shall accept transfer, if the offender:

(a) has more than 90 calendar days or an indefinite period of supervision remaining at the time the sending state transmits the transfer request; and

(b) has a valid plan of supervision; and

(c) is in substantial compliance with the terms of supervision in the sending state; and

(d) is a resident of the receiving state; or


  1. has resident family in the receiving state who have indicated a willingness and ability to assist as specified in the plan of supervision; and
  2. can obtain employment in the receiving state or has means of support.

ICAOS Advisory Opinions

7-2004 [While a sending state controls the decision of whether or not to transfer an offender under the Compact, the receiving state has no discretion as to whether or not to accept the case as long as the offender satisfies the criteria provided in this rule]
9-2004 [Upon proper application and documentation for verification of mandatory criteria of Rule 3.101, CSL offenders are subject to supervision under the Compact]
4-2005 [Are offenders who are not eligible to transfer under the provisions of Rule 3.101 (a) or Rule 2.105 of the Rules of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision permitted to transfer under Rule 3.101 (c) as a discretionary transfer?]
8-2005 [The sending state determines if an offender is in substantial compliance. If a sending state has taken no action on outstanding warrants or pending charges the offender is considered to be in substantial compliance]
5-2006 [Time allowed for investigation by receiving state, Rule 4.101 - Manner and degree of supervision.]
6-2006 [Clarification of 90 day period of supervision is determined.]
13-2006 [An undocumented immigrant who meets the definition of “offender” and seeks transfer under the Compact is subject to its jurisdiction and would not be a per se disqualification as long as the immigrant establishes the prerequisites of Rule 3.101 have been satisfied]
2-2007 [A receiving state is not authorized to deny a transfer of an offender based solely on the fact that the offender intends to reside in Section 8 housing]
1-2010 [ICAOS member states may not refuse otherwise valid mandatory transfers of supervision under the compact on the basis that additional information, not required by Rule 3.107, has not been provided.]

History: Adopted November 3, 2003, effective August 1, 2004; amended October 26, 2004, effective January 1, 2005; amended September 13, 2005, effective January 1, 2006; amended October 4, 2006, effective January 1, 2007; amended September 26, 2007, effective January 1, 2008; amended August 28, 2013, effective March 1, 2014.




Click terms below to reveal definitions used in this rule.

Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies, and who is required to request transfer of supervision under the provisions of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. 

Plan of Supervision – means the terms under which an offender will be supervised, including proposed residence, proposed employment or viable means of support and the terms and conditions of supervision.

Receiving State – means a state to which an offender requests transfer of supervision or is transferred.

Resident – means a person who

  1. has resided in a state for at least 1 year continuously and immediately prior to either the supervision start date or sentence date for the original offense for which transfer is being requested; and
  2. intends that such state shall be the person’s principal place of residence; and
  3. has not, unless incarcerated or on active military orders, remained in another state or states for a continuous period of 6 months or more with the intent to establish a new principal place of residence.

Resident Family – means a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, adult child, adult sibling, spouse, legal guardian, or step-parent who

  1. has resided in the receiving state for 180 calendar days or longer as of the date of the transfer request; and
  2. indicates willingness and ability to assist the offender as specified in the plan of supervision.

Sending State – means a state requesting the transfer of an offender, or which transfers supervision of an offender, under the terms of the Compact and its rules.

Substantial Compliance– means that an offender is sufficiently in compliance with the terms and conditions of his or her supervision so as not to result in initiation of revocation of supervision proceedings by the sending state. 

ICAOS Advisory Opinion
7-2004 [determining “substantial compliance” when there are pending charges in a receiving state]

Supervision – means the oversight exercised by authorities of a sending or receiving state over an offender for a period of time determined by a court or releasing authority, during which time the offender is required to report to or be monitored by supervising authorities, and to comply with regulations and conditions, other than monetary conditions, imposed on the offender at the time of the offender’s release to the community or during the period of supervision in the community.