Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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(a) If there is reasonable suspicion that an offender has absconded, the receiving state shall attempt to locate the offender. Such activities shall include, but are not limited to: Documenting communication attempts directly to the offender, including…
As previously discussed, Rule 5.102 requires the sending state to retake an offender for a new felony or violent crime conviction after the offender’s release from incarceration for the new crime. This may result in a considerable amount of time between…
(a) A receiving state shall notify a sending state of an act or pattern of behavior requiring retaking within 30 calendar days of discovery or determination by submitting a violation report. (b) A violation report shall contain– offender’s name and…
Probable Cause Hearing – a hearing in compliance with the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, conducted on behalf of an offender accused of violating the terms or conditions of the offender‘s parole or probation.
This guide is intended to provide hearing officers with basic guidance regarding the retaking procedures that may apply to offenders subject to the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS). Several cautionary notes should be understood in…
Behavior Requiring Retaking – means an act or pattern of non-compliance with conditions of supervision that could not be successfully addressed through the use of documented corrective action or graduated responses and would result in a request for…
Where a probable cause hearing is required, the following are elements of due process that are applicable in all circumstances: The hearing must be conducted by a neutral and independent person and reasonably close in time and place to the alleged…
If the retaking of an offender is based on violations of the conditions of supervision that occur in another state, the hearing to which the offender is entitled may be substantially less. In general, if the violation occurs during a visit for example,…
A receiving state is obligated to report to sending state authorities within 30 calendar days of the discovery or determination that an offender has engaged in behavior requiring retaking. “Behavior requiring retaking” is defined in Rule 1.101 as an act…
That the Compact itself does not create a private right of action does not mean that offenders subject to it are left without a remedy under Section 1983. Instead, it means that their complaints must be framed as violations of a right enumerated in the…
Where the retaking of an offender is based on a violation of the conditions of supervision in the receiving state and such violation is likely to form the basis for revocation of community supervision in the sending state, the following additional…
This on-demand training module includes: Violation Reports for Mandatory Retaking Types of Violations Requiring Retaking Documentation Expectations Managing the Retaking Process
Notwithstanding any other rule, a sentence imposing a period of incarceration on an offender convicted of a new crime which occurred outside the sending state during the compact period may satisfy or partially satisfy the sentence imposed by the sending…
This on-demand training module includes: Probable Cause Hearing Overview & Purpose When a Probable Cause Hearing is Required Probable Cause Hearing Requirements Waiver of Probable Cause
This on-demand training module includes: Retaking & Warrant Overview Discretionary Retaking & Mandatory Retaking
Whether an offender who has been arrested and released on bail for pending charges in the receiving state may be apprehended and detained for retaking by the sending state pending resolution of the new criminal charge
Rule 5.108 provides that an offender subject to retaking can waive a probable cause hearing. No waiver is to be accepted unless the offender admits to one or more violations that are subject to revocation of supervision. The critical elements of such a…
This on-demand training module illustrates the violation reporting process for offenders supervised in a receiving state and how this process impacts the sending state's obligation to retake an offender. Completion time is approximately 20 minutes.
Whether rule 2.105 applies to hunting violations involving the use of a firearm
Published November 1, 2013 The ICAOS Executive Committee has requested this ‘white paper’ resulting from several recent cases in which courts, prosecuting attorneys, and probation and parole officers have apparently lacked awareness or ignored the…
I. Objective and Application In addition to a state being required to complete remedial training or technical assistance (which may include a corrective action plan), alternative dispute resolution, or suspension/termination of membership in the compact,…
For purposes of revocation or other punitive action, a sending state is required to give the same force and effect to the violation of a condition imposed by the receiving state as if the condition had been imposed by the sending state. Furthermore, the…
At the request of a receiving state, Rule 5.102 requires the sending state to retake an offender convicted of a violent crime. A violent crime is qualified by one of the following four criteria: (1) any crime involving the unlawful exertion of physical…
(a) Officers authorized under the law of a sending state may enter a state where the offender is found and apprehend and retake the offender, subject to this compact, its rules, and due process requirements. (b) The sending state shall be required to…
An offender is normally entitled to a probable cause hearing in the receiving state when: The offender is in custodial detention in the receiving state based on violations of supervision that occurred in that state or based on a request from the sending…
Where the retaking of an offender may result in revocation of conditional release by the sending state, the offender is entitled to the basic due process considerations that are the foundation of the Supreme Court’s decisions in Morrissey and Gagnon, and…
Government officials sued in their individual capacity have what is known as qualified immunity from suits for damages to the extent that their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person…
(a) An offender subject to retaking that may result in a revocation shall be afforded the opportunity for a probable cause hearing before a neutral and detached hearing officer in or reasonably near the place where the alleged violation occurred. (b) No…
As previously noted, Article I of ICAOS authorizes officers of a sending state to enter a receiving state, or a state to which an offender has absconded, for purposes of retaking an offender. With limited exceptions, the decision to retake an offender…
Rule 5.108(e) requires the receiving state to prepare a written report of the hearing within 10 business days and to transmit the report along with any evidence or record from the hearing to the sending state. The report must contain (1) the time, date…
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