Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

Displaying 31 - 60 of 199
An offender who is otherwise eligible for transfer under Rule 3.101 may not be required to submit to psychological testing by the receiving state as a condition of acceptance of the transfer. Such “pre-acceptance” requirements imposed on otherwise…
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and rules promulgated pursuant thereto intended to protect certain health care information from disclosure to authorized persons or entities. Generally, prior to disclosure of health…
This on-demand training module illustrates the process for transferring supervision responsibilities to another state including requirements for a transfer request and qualifications for reporting instructions. This module is approximately 20 minutes.…
Whether a state can permit an offender to proceed to another state for multiple periods of time, never exceeding 45 consecutive days in any single occurrence
Particular attention should be paid to offenders convicted of a second or subsequent offense of driving while impaired (DUI and DWI offenses). Because various states’ laws differ widely on what constitutes a second or subsequent conviction, the Commission…
Initiating the Transfer Process
Clarification on how the 90-days remaining on supervision is determined
Some states may use a “sentencing” option referred to as deferred prosecution. Such sentences, which are generally authorized by a state’s statutes, allow the offender to admit under oath or stipulate to the facts of the criminal conduct, but defer…
This on-demand training module provides an introduction to ICAOS and rules relevant to Judges, attorneys and other court personnel.  
(a) A sending state may submit a completed request for transfer of supervision no earlier than 120 calendar days prior to an offender’s planned release from a correctional facility. (b) If a pre-release transfer request has been submitted, a sending state…
Post-Transfer Hearing Requirements
In addition to traditional cases where an offender is formally adjudicated and placed on supervision, the ICAOS also applies in so-called “suspended sentencing,” “suspended adjudication,” and “deferred sentencing” contexts. Rule 2.106 provides that “…
As the ICAOS governs the movement of offenders and not the terms and conditions of sentencing, the ICAOS rules are silent on the imposition of restitution. This is therefore a matter governed exclusively by the laws of the sending state and the court…
Determining offender eligibility under the Compact requires a multi-prong analysis beginning with the broad definition of offender. An “offender” means “an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as a result of the commission of a criminal…
Whether an undocumented immigrant is subject to the Compact
Although receiving states may not impose pre-acceptance requirements on offenders that would violate a state’s obligations under the Compact, the Compact and its rules would not prevent the receiving state from imposing post-acceptance testing…
While the sending state has sole authority to determine the duration of supervision either by way of the court’s sentence of by paroling authorities, the receiving state retains discretion as to the type of supervision it will provide. Rule 4.101…
As discussed, the transfer of supervision of an offender is mandatory in some circumstances. Receiving states are required to accept transfer if the offender is eligible under Rules 3.101 and 3.101-1. As discussed in Chapter 4 regarding return of…
Although a state may be required to accept supervision given the offender’s eligibility status, the receiving state may determine that conditions are necessary at the time of acceptance. The receiving state can only impose conditions that it would impose…
This on-demand training module reviews key definitions in determining eligibility for transfer, covered offenses, criteria for mandatory and discretionary acceptances as well as qualifying reasons for reporting instructions. This module is approximately…
The Commission adopted Rule 3.103 to address those offenders subject to probation who need to relocate to a state prior to acceptance and receiving reporting instructions. This rule allows an offender who is living in the receiving state at the time of…
This on-demand training module gives an overview of ICAOS rules intended for Parole Board Members.
On September 20, 2023, the Commission approved a Rule Amendment to Rule 5.108(f) effective March 1, 2024.  Commissioners, Deputy Compact Administrators and Compact Staff are invited to join a training session to recap the justification and practical…
(a) At the time of acceptance or during the term of supervision, the receiving state may impose a condition on an offender if that condition would have been imposed on an offender sentenced in the receiving state. (b) A receiving state shall notify a…
View the demonstration of reviewing status of a Transfer Request and Transfer Reply from the Compact Cases activity table; this information is also viewable from the Action Items tab and Compact Workload
  Create a Training Account or Log In Go to ICAOS OnDemand Page. Create a training account or log in with your credentials.   IMPORTANT!  As of February 5, 2024, learners no longer register or login to the ICAOS main website to access training.  Create a…
Receiving State – means a state to which an offender requests transfer of supervision or is transferred.
Rule 4.107 authorizes the collection of fees from offenders subject to the Compact. Pursuant to Rule 4.107(a), the sending state may impose a transfer application fee on an offender and according to Rule 4.107(b), the receiving state may impose a…
The Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision is charged with overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, a formal agreement between member states that seeks to promote public safety by…
(a) A misdemeanor offender whose sentence includes 1 year or more of supervision shall be eligible for transfer, provided that all other criteria for transfer, as specified in Rule 3.101, have been satisfied; and the instant offense includes one or more…
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