Compact Online Reference Encyclopedia (CORE)

Looking for information on a specific topic, training, rule, or process? Through one search here, you can find the information you need from ICAOS’ white papersadvisory opinions, bylaws, policies, Hearing Officer's Guidetraining modulesrules, helpdesk articles and the bench book. All results are cross-referenced with links to make navigation easy and intuitive.

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As discussed, the transfer of supervision of an offender is mandatory in some circumstances. Receiving states are required to accept transfer if the offender is eligible under Rules 3.101 and 3.101-1. As discussed in Chapter 4 regarding return of…
As previously noted, Article I of ICAOS authorizes officers of a sending state to enter a receiving state, or a state to which an offender has absconded, for purposes of retaking an offender. With limited exceptions, the decision to retake an offender…
Rule 5.108(e) requires the receiving state to prepare a written report of the hearing within 10 business days and to transmit the report along with any evidence or record from the hearing to the sending state. The report must contain (1) the time, date…
Whether an undocumented immigrant is subject to the Compact
Whether officers can arrest and detain compact offenders for probation violations
Individuals and sex offenders subject to lifetime supervision (CSL)
As previously discussed, Rule 5.102 requires the sending state to retake an offender for a new felony or violent crime conviction after the offender’s release from incarceration for the new crime. This may result in a considerable amount of time between…
ICAOS Rules 4.111 and 5.103 also require sending states to issue nationwide arrest warrants for absconders who fail to return to the sending state in no less than fifteen (15) business days. Warrant requirements apply to offenders who fail to return to…
Whether a receiving state can require relevant documents and return an offender that can no longer be safely supervised
This on-demand training module includes: Retaking & Warrant Overview Discretionary Retaking & Mandatory Retaking
Warrant – means a written order of the court or authorities of a sending or receiving state or other body of competent jurisdiction which is made on behalf of the state, or United States, issued pursuant to statute and/or rule and which commands law…
Rules governing retaking an offender under the compact of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision
Rule 5.108 provides that an offender subject to retaking can waive a probable cause hearing. No waiver is to be accepted unless the offender admits to one or more violations that are subject to revocation of supervision. The critical elements of such a…
Retaking – means the act of a sending state in physically removing an offender, or causing to have an offender removed, from a receiving state.
Probable Cause Hearing – a hearing in compliance with the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, conducted on behalf of an offender accused of violating the terms or conditions of the offender‘s parole or probation.
(a) Except as required in Rules 5.101-1, 5.102, 5.103 and 5.103-1 at its sole discretion, a sending state may order the return of an offender.  The sending state must notify the receiving state within 15 business days of their issuance of the directive to…
Notwithstanding any other rule, a sentence imposing a period of incarceration on an offender convicted of a new crime which occurred outside the sending state during the compact period may satisfy or partially satisfy the sentence imposed by the sending…
Behavior Requiring Retaking – means an act or pattern of non-compliance with conditions of supervision that could not be successfully addressed through the use of documented corrective action or graduated responses and would result in a request for…
This guide supports extradition professionals managing the return of supervised individuals who transfer to another state through the Interstate Compact. Topics addressed within the new guide include: Who is subject to the Compact; Differences between…
On September 20, 2023, the Commission approved a Rule Amendment to Rule 5.108(f) effective March 1, 2024.  Commissioners, Deputy Compact Administrators and Compact Staff are invited to join a training session to recap the justification and practical…
View the demonstration of reviewing status of a Transfer Request and Transfer Reply from the Compact Cases activity table; this information is also viewable from the Action Items tab and Compact Workload
  Create a Training Account or Log In Go to ICAOS OnDemand Page. Create a training account or log in with your credentials.   IMPORTANT!  As of February 5, 2024, learners no longer register or login to the ICAOS main website to access training.  Create a…
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